Camping... and a Snow Cave?

Ken was able to get a roaring fire going using only one match (granted it took him 3 to get the match lit). Once the fire was going Lyndon took it upon himself to unpack the chairs and have a seat to stay warm and cozy. Gabe started assembling the tent for the night, and Ken and I began shoveling....

Yup, we started piling up snow into a huge mound and packed it down nice and good. After we got a decent hill, we started tunneling. I kept thinking of "Escape from Sobibor" as I was digging (that and a cave-in that would kill me).
That night, we ate chili by the fire, has some drinks, and sat around doing what people do when they camp.
When came time to hit the sack (in the wee hours of the morning), Gabe and Lyndon headed for the tent and Ken and I headed for "The Cave".

Morning came (as it always does) and Ken and I arose from our "Cave" just about the time Gabe and Lyndon were getting up from their slumber in the tent. Evidently, (from looking at how Lyndon was dressed) Ken and I had a warmer sleep.
Gabe started taking down the tent, Ken and I started packing things up, and... Lyndon picked up the chairs and stowed them back on the roof where he got them the evening before.
We got home Saturday afternoon to weather in the high 80's... go figure.
The drive home was 'almost' another story....

"Official documentation" on building a few types of Snow Shelters. Kinda funny as well.
Very cool. Wish I was there. Did Lyndon do any work to help? Ken better not use more than one match, he has been tough well.
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