Saturday, January 27, 2007

Stupid (and not so stupid) Quotes from last night

Mind you, none of the following are life changing thoughts:

1. Money does buy happiness....not completeness.

2. Happiness is getting a new tattoo when you don't have the money to pay for it.

3. Having my biodiesel blow up would be almost as likely as being able to make a Molotov Cocktail out of a bottle of wine.

4. That look doesn't scare me, I work with attorneys.

Well there you have it. A few useless quotes to brighten your day.

Here is an oldie, but goodie:

Smoking a cigar alone is like having sex by yourself; it just isn't satisfying.

This is getting old

The snow here in Colorado is beginning to get old. It isn't supposed to snow this much. And it isn'e even that fact that it has been snowing that is getting annoying, it's that the snow isn't melting.

What is the 5th major snow storm in 6 weeks?

Whatever. At least it is fun to drive the truck around in this mess.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2007!

I went out to a party for New Years (the first in a few years). I usually have people over and celebrate at home. This year I didn't feel like hosting anything and was invited to a party at a friends in Denver.

The party was fun. I met a bunch of great people and had a really good time. I laughed 'till I cried... more than once; it's always a good time when that happens. I even got home without getting dead (you never know on New Years with all the lunatics out -- and no, I'm not neurotic).

Oh yeah... and Happy Liver Day Dad.

Ta Ta Ford....

Finally, I was able to sell my 1992 Ford F250. I have had an extra ruck for quite some time which needed to go. Yesterday I sold it to a neighbor right before I was going to drive it down to Golden to make a trade (that probably wouldn't have been a good idea anyway).

I was going to trade the Ford for a Snap-On/Blue Point Plasma cutter and a YJ project of unknown condition. The cutter would have been very nice, but the last thing I need now is another project (I recently had 6 vehicles in my possession and have been lucky enough to have sold one a few days ago).

I didn't get the money I was looking for, but not having another project to deal with selling, knowing that I don't have to insure it, and having that extra money to do something else with is a relief.

Now to sell some more of my crap...

Biodiesel Project

I have moved the biodiesel entires to my biodiesel page. Please see for my biodiesel journal and information.

Thank you.